Stacey Martin

Stacey Servito Martin

PhD candidate
PhD (ANU, ongoing)
The Australian National University
Research School of Earth Sciences

Stacey Servito Martin is a PhD candidate at the Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES) at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra and is supervised by Phil Cummins at RSES. Stacey’s research focuses on the quantitative analysis of historical earthquakes in Indonesia and elsewhere to understand how they impact modern seismic hazard.

His most recent research work utilized four centuries of archival materials to reconstruct the Gempa Nusantara database for historical earthquakes in Indonesia. This database qualitatively catalogued, and quantitatively analyzed, over 7,000 earthquake damage and shaking effects from 1,500 earthquakes in Indonesia from 1546 until 1950.

Expertise Area(s)

Historical earthquakes
Historical tsunamis
Macroseismic observations

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