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The ANU is the number one institution in Australia for the study of Indonesia’s politics, economics, culture, and language. We have a range of resources for both undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning more about this important Asian nation.

The ANU Indonesia Institute serves as a contact point for students interested in finding out more about how to engage with Indonesia while at ANU.

    Undergraduate study


    ANU offers an undergraduate major in Indonesian Studies and in Indonesian Language, as part of the following two degrees:

    The major provides a depth of understanding of the diverse and vibrant, yet vast and complex Indonesian society, politics and culture. The Indonesian studies major is designed to complement the Indonesian language major, though knowledge of the Indonesian language is not required for courses in the Indonesian studies major.


    Most ANU degree programs provide undergraduate students with the flexibility to take elective courses which could include Indonesian language courses, and courses on Indonesian topics.

    Search “Indonesia” on ANU Programs and Courses to find more information on courses available.

    Graduate coursework

    Graduate coursework programs at the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific are all taught with reference to the Asia Pacific region and provide opportunities to study Indonesia.

    Indonesia and the region can be studied through the lens of the following disciplines:

      Graduate research

      If you've got a passion for research, and want to work on Indonesia (politics, economics, environment, health, or any topic really), contact us at the ANU Indonesia Institute and we can help get you started!

      PhD SCHOLARSHIPS - Applications are now open! for $34,000 ANU PhD domestic scholarships for 3.5 years at ANU, Australia's #1 University. For more details, visit the ANU website.

      If you interested in undertaking a high degree research program with a focus on Indonesia, we encourage you to explore the graduate research section of the CAP website.

      We offer the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in a wide variety of research areas.

      Please visit the higher degree research pages on the various Colleges at ANU, for more information on the graduate research programs at ANU, and how to apply:

      AIYA logo


      AIYA is a not-for-profit, youth-led organisation which aims to better connect young Indonesians and Australians to each other and to Australia-Indonesia related opportunities.

      AIYA has active chapters in every Australian state and territory, as well as Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Yogyakarta, Sulawesi Selatan and Nusa Tenggara Timur. At a national level, AIYA is governed by an executive committee of early career professionals.

      ACICIS logo


      The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS – pronounced Ah-chee-chis, as an Indonesian would say it) is a non-profit international educational consortium. ACICIS is the longest running provider of in-country Indonesian study programs and the primary mechanism through which Australian students pursue study in Indonesia for academic credit.

      ACICIS runs study programs in a range of disciplines including Indonesian language, journalism, development, business, law, creative arts, agriculture, sustainable tourism and international relations.

      Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program participants


      The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP), established in 1982, links youth (21-25 years old) in Australia and Indonesia through social, professional, and cultural exchange. It is a chance for participants to grow their intercultural skills, professional experiences, and international networks.

      During the program, participants will undertake virtual work experience, enjoy educational and cultural performances, hear from high-level guest speakers from academia, business, community and diplomatic officials, and work collaboratively on a project of relevance to themselves and to the bilateral relationship.

      NCP logo

      New Colombo Plan

      The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the region.

      The New Colombo Plan involves a scholarship program for study of up to one year and internships or mentorships, and a flexible mobility grants program for both short and longer-term study, internships, mentorships, practicums and research.