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The ANU Indonesia Institute’s Interdisciplinary Grant aims to encourage and support collaborative research on Indonesia across disciplinary boundaries at the ANU. Provides funds to support a roundtable, workshop, or seminar that investigates a topic/question/problem from different disciplinary angles. The grant’s objective is to demonstrate the value of cross-disciplinary collaboration among our scholars, and to build Indonesia-focused networks across campus.

Fund of up to $3,000 can be used to cover costs associated with an in-person event, including catering, travel or accommodation. The ANU Indonesia Institute will also provide administrative support for running the proposed event.

Proposals must:

  • Focus primarily on Indonesia.
  • Involve participants from at least two different ANU Colleges, reflecting interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Outline a budget and timeline for how funds will be used by December 2024.
  • Demonstrates how the event might lead to future outputs (e.g. larger grant proposals, publications).

We particularly encourage proposals from early career researchers, postdocs and senior PhD students, and also support applications that involve Indonesia-focused institutions within and beyond campus, such as the Australia Indonesia Business Council, or the Australia Indonesia Youth Association. 

Proposals should use the below template, and send their applications in Word of Pdf form to: by 30 June 2024. The successful recipient will be notified by 15 July 2024.

  1. Title
  2. Participants/Collaborators (names, positions, department/school/college)
  3. Is the proposed event part of an existing grant/project? If so, describe (max 200 words).
  4. Event description, including an explanation of the interdisciplinary dimension (500 words max)
  5. Budget (list of items with approximate per unit costs in AUD)
  6. Potential future outputs (future grant proposals, publications, collaborations)